The Luminous Path

Accepted: Gloore, enhancement shaman
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Author:  Glooore [ 2011 Jan 07 (Fri) 3:35 am ]
Post subject:  Accepted: Gloore, enhancement shaman

Name: Gloore
Race, Class, and Main Spec: Tauren, Shaman, Enhancement
Armory Link: ... ore/simple seems a tad unupdated but should have updated tommorow, missing gems in chest. Missing two BiS atm, shoulder and wrist, both atainable in hc, though im probably buying the justicepoint shoulder.

What's your name and where are you from?
Max Persson, Sweden

How old are you? Please express your answer in Reverse Polish Notation.
9 9 5 +

How long have you been playing WoW? What experience do you have of endgame raiding?
since classic, with two breaks. I've raided IC hardmodes with Luminous Path

Is this your main? How often do you play this character? Tell us about your other characters, including any serious alts.
This is my main. I play on it at a daily basis. I have two alts, a hunter and DK, neither at lvl 85. More probable to lvl the DK than the hunter.

What's your complete guild history, on this realm as well as any other? Why did you leave / are you leaving your current or previous guild?
Except from LP i've been in two guilds, Fear the Zhevra and Seal of Damnation. I left LP last time because of school and work.

Provide the names of some people we can get in touch with in-game as references. Please note that references are required: give names of characters on other realms, if necessary. If you know anyone on the Path, either in-game or IRL, mention that here also.
I know half of the people in LP by ingame name, some in person. Close IRL friend with jiander, vedder and spinnerette.

What is your role in raids? How do you judge whether you're doing a good job or not?
My role is dps/cc. With instant hex, bind elemental and several utility totems i've got a cc function in most bosses with adds on them in raids. In a bossfight where no cc or movement is needed, I judge my performance based on dps meter. In more complicated bossfights, I try focusing on the problems the fight creates for the raid and feel I've done a good job if these are overcome.

Describe your choice of spec, how you came to your current build, and any other things you feel we should know about why you spent your talent points the way you did.
My spec right now is a PVE enhancement spec, one or two points away from a raid spec, probably giving up one point in call of flame and shamanistic rage for two points in totemic reach since searing totem has become such a vital part of my dps and rotation.

Where do you go to read about your class outside of the game?
I follow the discussions at elitist jerks regarding elemental and enhancement shamans.

Please provide a screenshot of your UI during raid boss or dungeon boss combat.
Since there's only one raidboss I've done in cataclysm and I forgot to take a screenshot I'll return with one later. I run DBM for the fights and recount to check my dps and brag.

Roleplaying Section: End your application with a short in-character biography, a note from your character to the officers, or other RP story or RP statement about yourself. Effort is much more appreciated than length or content, and your application will not be considered without it.
Gloore was born about twenty years before the first war, in a tribe of wandering tauren. Learning the arts of shamanism from the tribe elder, gloore fougt alongside the orcs during the war. After learning of the demonic influences he left the orcs and lived as a loner until the start of the third war where he again took up arms, but this time against the scourge. The whole of his tribe were wiped out by an undead warband, and because of this Gloore greatiy mistrust the undead, even the forsaken. For some time he was adventuring in the Outlands alongside other heroes, but grew weary. After spending a year in the outlands, Gloore longed for his homeworld and went back through the portal, only to find a crusade in the making. He fought his way through Northrend all the way to the Icecrown Citadel, but in an attempt to storm the citadel he was slain by Sindragosa. Living peacefully in the spiritworld, Gloore finally had peace.

Then he met the spiritform of the mighty druid Vedder. Vedder told him about a great cataclysm, about Deathwing rising from his dormant state. Apologizing for what he was about to do, Vedder left the spirit world. Gloore then felt a pull, hands draging him towards a bright light, and he welcomed it, for he knew Azeroth needed a hero once more.

Additional notes. Optionally, mention anything else you'd like us to know about your application.
Well, I've been in the guild before, left for reasons mentioned above. Since i had a lot of fun raiding with you I'd like to join again now that I have more time on my hands.
The reason i've posted this application one or two days prematurely is that i want the guild to be aware of my intentions towards my membership in the guild. Got a social invite from Savian, so i need no immediate upping to raid status, just for you to know that this is what I'm aiming for in the guild, not being a part of it as a social member, though i dont mind that bit at all...


Author:  Savian [ 2011 Jan 07 (Fri) 3:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gloore, enhancement shaman

Looks good to me *waves* Me like totems.

Author:  Zhak [ 2011 Jan 07 (Fri) 10:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gloore, enhancement shaman

Heya Gloore, I've grouped with you a few times, and it's been a pleasure, best of luck with your application.

In the interest of giving you something to do, what do you think about this? ( are usually pretty cack but I enjoyed this) ... ematic-pa/

Author:  Glooore [ 2011 Jan 07 (Fri) 4:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gloore, enhancement shaman

I do agree that spellpower main is the best option for a enhancement shaman, sadly. Blizzard has said they want to change this, but if the opportunity arise and they do not, i would prefer a caster mainhand. Have gone for a more traditional itemization at the moment, but could try and get one of the weapons he mentioned above to try out how much difference it is with my rotation.

Before the change of flametounge when I played enhancement I did indeed play with a fast dagger. At the moment I'm running flametounge/flametounge with two 2.60 melee weapons, agreeing with those that think 1100sp and 4% spellcrit > more maelstrom, flametounge on mainhand chosen over windfury.

This based on two things: Windfury used to out-dps flametounge with its procs on the mainhand, it does not anymore, so the only bonus windfury got is more attacks = more criticals to proc things and more maelstrom. Flamgetounge on the other hand boost 60% of my damage with spellpower, the other 40% being meleedamage of some kind. after dummytesting and doing heroics trying out the differences im convinced ft/ft is the best option right now.

Author:  Thórva [ 2011 Jan 11 (Tue) 3:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gloore, enhancement shaman

We have seen this and are talking about it, but because you're already in the guild, I don't feel it's as urgent. Let's have a chat in-game tonight or tomorrow.

Author:  Thórva [ 2011 Jan 22 (Sat) 3:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gloore, enhancement shaman

For the sake of recordkeeping, Gloore is now on raid-trial status.

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