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Accepted: Fabbs - Holy paladin 
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Officer (Retired)

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Post Accepted: Fabbs - Holy paladin
Race, Class, and Main Spec:
Bloodelf Paladin, My main spec is Holy.

Armory Link:
My main character ... bbs/simple
My Druid ... seh/simple
Linking it mostly to show that i indeed killed LK HC 25man, wich is in my mind quite the achivement.

What's your name and where are you from?
Im Fabian Norrby, im From Sweden. The same town as the nubbish Owl you have in your guild, we are old buddies you see!

How old are you? Please express your answer in Reverse Polish Notation. im 10 11 +

How long have you been playing WoW? What experience do you have of endgame raiding? Iv been playing wow since beta, and since my first Lbrs/ubrs raid iv been intrested highend COMPETATIVE raiding, clearing everything except sunwell due to a break. We didnt manage to kill sinestra this last tier tho due to slack, and i haven't even raided firelands yet (hence my gear).

Is this your main? How often do you play this character? Tell us about your other characters, including any serious alts. Right now i log in and do nothing for 10 minutes and then log out, but go back 4 months and i played all the time, just like i have done for the last 6 years now or how long this game has been out.

What's your complete guild history, on this realm as well as any other? Why did you leave / are you leaving your current or previous guild?
The only mentionable guild is Nemea, wich was my home for most of my serious endgame raiding. I was also an officer in that guild along with Arache, iv was leading the healing division with great succsess.

Provide the names of some people we can get in touch with in-game as references. Please note that references are required: give names of characters on other realms, if necessary. If you know anyone on the Path, either in-game or IRL, mention that here also.
Arache!! Should be enough tbh, else i can list like a houndred people that i terrorized while making them perform better through all the difficult bosses blizzard threw at us.

What is your role in raids? How do you judge whether you're doing a good job or not?
IM a healer, i have always been a healer. I started out as a druid a long long time ago (not in a galaxy far away) and since then iv healed with every class possible, in almost every raid possible, iv always been competative and pushing myself to become the best.
I do not in any way or kind consider the healing meters to show if a healer is good or bad, healing is all about using the right spell at the right time. A paladin that saves people with HoP or Salvation and thus will be lower on healing should always be considered the better player. You will prob see me spamming my stopcast macro anyways to ensure faster casts on people that needs them and saving ALOT of mana by doing so.

Describe your choice of spec, how you came to your current build, and any other things you feel we should know about why you spent your talent points the way you did.
To be fair, it's the only way to go. Easy as

Where do you go to read about your class outside of the game?
EJ mostly, but im doing alot of numbercrunching myself :), it was atleast a hobby of mine.

Please provide a screenshot of your UI during raid boss or dungeon boss combat.

Uploaded with
Roleplaying Section: End your application with a short in-character biography, a note from your character to the officers, or other RP story or RP statement about yourself. Effort is much more appreciated than length or content, and your application will not be considered without it.
Im honestly sorry, but i kinda applied for the sole purpose of raiding once again with my great friend Arache. I didn't move here to RP, not at all but i don't want to be an ass either, so il try to write some rp shizzle down.

Hi, my name is Fabbs.
Im writing from my cozy corner at the orgrimmar in, im writing to you because of my intrest in joining forces against the many foes of this world. Even tho im getting eyeballed by a filthy Orc right now, i still relish what the horde and our world has to offer. I can still feel the trembles after Deathwings ascent from Azeroth's core and i can see the sky growing darker for every day that pass. Since most of my old guild got either slain or injured when we ventured to far into the Bastion of twilight and got ambushed by Lady sinestra iv been taking a break, a break from fighting, a break from everything. But now, now im back. Im ready to once again vanish the evil from this earth.

Additional notes. Optionally, mention anything else you'd like us to know about your application. Tbh, please speak to me on mumble, it will tell you much more about me than any application.

2011 Oct 01 (Sat) 1:57 am
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Post Re: Fabbs - Holy paladin
Arache, I didn't know you was mainchanging to Holy Paladin!

I jest, but hello Fabian if you end up making an account and posting yourself.

Arache was telling us how he knows a really great paladin and was very excited on mumble: "Ooooh I hope he does an application tomorrow yes yes yes"

This is from the guy who has somehow made it so when my name is mentioned, something has seriously gone wrong, even if I am not the one responsible for it.

"Myish-Vedder, why are you standing in the fire?!", "Myisha, you are susposed to be doing this!" Me: "But isn't that Tjivi?" Arache: "You know who I meant!" "TAU!!!!!!!" and also the Me: *clicks accept straight away to find himself in a full raid* "You invited me last again, didn't you Arache?"

All the jest aside, I was trying to say if you make Arache sound like a giggly girl with you putting in an application, you are bound to be very good and I wish you the best of luck and look forward to being with you next raid (or whenever you ended up joining) because you are getting such a massive endorsement, I would be absolutely godsmacked if you don't get a trial.

And oh, if you are bad, I will make sure Arache never forgets this. I will have the leather whip ready to flail his little white boomkin tail. The rest of the raidforce can wait their turn after me in the flailing.

2011 Oct 01 (Sat) 4:12 am
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Post Re: Fabbs - Holy paladin
Well points for effort on the RP story, after admitting it's not your thing. Contrary to popular belief, you don't have to be a hardcore RP'er to join an RP(-PvP) server at all. All we, and all the other serious guilds, ask is that you respect the rules and don't try to ruin the fun for people who are serious about this aspect.

That was just a little ramble though, nothing personal ;) As I said, you got me at 'I don't want to be an ass either'!

Don't know much about Holydins sadly, other than the fact they make me happy to see them in a raid. Sure hope Arache told you about our curse though....especially with all the praise he's been giving you so far. That said, I trust his judgement, he's one of the best we've got on the team.

Looking forward to seeing more of ya. (That's a signal to the healers to bring on the roast :twisted: )

Sav. 8-)

2011 Oct 01 (Sat) 4:29 am
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Post Re: Fabbs - Holy paladin
A few notes:

I looked at your current spec, it is the same as my paladins except for a couple of points which you put into Eternal Glory which is a good alternative to my own (I put them in Improved Judgement) since I would be changing to your spec next patch anyway with the judgement changes. It is perfectly valid and acceptable and I don't have to ask "Why haven't you put a point in Aura Mastery?". Out of curiousity, why is it a good idea to put that point in Aura Mastery other having another shiney button to press? Examples might be useful to illustrate your point.

I looked at your reforging, it looks good. Haste and Spirit are the main two ones, especially with the Judgement changes coming up. Lots of lovely regeneration. I doubt you would be OOM by the fourth shard on Heroic Baleroc. I think we had a Holydin reforged away all of his spirit... Either way, it looks like you know the drill and I think asking you would be a waste of time on your behalf.

As for gemming... There are a few things I would be gemming different, but that might be more of a personal preference. I would personal preference for me is juggling your gems a bit more. put Purified Demoneye in your boot socket, and move your +Int Chim gem to lets say, your relic.Out of curiousity, why am I recommending this change in your opinion and is it a good suggestion or not and why is it so?

I noticed you haven't done Firelands... Question to Officers, could I recommend Fabbs come on the alt-run today if he can make it? I know this is last notice, but I think it is going to be the best way to test. Firelands is simple once you know the rhythm of it and being honest, you come across as you know what you are doing anyway. I think we'll want to throw you into the normal run and see how fast you adapt from only the knowledge you have gained yourself since we are getting near the farming stage of 6/7HC. I recommend getting the 'Mumble' chat client if you haven't got it. I am sure Arache can easily point you in the right direction.

2011 Oct 01 (Sat) 6:11 am
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Post Re: Fabbs - Holy paladin
A swedish paladin... double the mockery incoming!?


2011 Oct 01 (Sat) 10:30 am
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Post Re: Fabbs - Holy paladin
im happy aslong as you dont ask me for tips about pala healing.

2011 Oct 01 (Sat) 10:32 am
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Post Re: Fabbs - Holy paladin
Yay, finaly got my account working.

First of all, thanks for all the great response, il try to answer some questions.

1. Aura mastery is basicly the difference between a wiped raid or a kill on some bosses, what it does is that it removes 50% of the incoming (elemental) damage RAIDWIDE. This is just to much of a lifesaver to not use, always having the boss targeted to see when he will cast say that shadow aoe on cho'gall heroic for example was a clear wipe or not wipe situation, if i missed it i would kill 24 other people, thats how strong aura mastery is!

2. As for my gemming, INT is the strongest single stat for every healing class atm, and has been for quite a while, and gemming anything else would just be stupid. The raw amount of manaregen and the excess mana pool you get in the start of a fight is really really good, (manaregen coming from replenishment), the ones with haste on is basicly to make me soft haste capped in raids with a shadow priest in it, (i have 2k hasterating) i could indeed move them around abit but i cba.

3. i indeed haven't done firelands yet, but im a fast learner, and Arache basicly told me to stay out of fires and i would be fine, and tbh, we have done that for almost every raidboss so far anyways! (i wont be able to come tonight i think)

4. i actually found writing that rp story quite fun, il defenetly give rp a try!

5.Myisha, il prob fail now only to see Arache burn!

Thanks for your time and fast response, it will be fun to outperform Arache once again UHHHHH NO I DIDNNNT!!!!!!

2011 Oct 01 (Sat) 12:12 pm
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Post Re: Fabbs - Holy paladin
Fabbs wrote:
Thanks for your time and fast response, it will be fun to outperform Arache once again UHHHHH NO I DIDNNNT!!!!!!

Arache: *smug face* I am finallly top on DPS.. wait.. what is this?
Recount: Fabbs, 50k DPS, Holy Shock spam
Arache: NOOOOoooooooOOOOOooooooooOOOOOOOoooo....

Anyway, thanks for your answers Fabian, I just wanted to question you a little and the answers are fine. Good luck with your application. :D

2011 Oct 01 (Sat) 3:28 pm
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Post Re: Fabbs - Holy paladin
Thanks for wanting to join us, we like what we've seen so accepted for trial.

2011 Oct 01 (Sat) 9:42 pm
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