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Accepted: Deadla (Social Apply) 
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Post Accepted: Deadla (Social Apply)
Name:Deadla (guess my forumname has to be changed ^^)
Race, Class, and Main Spec:Goblin, Mage, Arcane
Armory Link:

What's your name and where are you from?Johanna from Sweden! Hello!

How old are you? Please express your answer in Reverse Polish Notation.Hookay lets see now...20 8+...this time i actually think i got it right!

How long have you been playing WoW? What experience do you have of endgame raiding?Since the beginning, think i was about 4 months after. Deadla hasnt been raiding at all, and it will stay that way if there isnt a funraid from time to time. Have been raiding with Alakina, havnt been taken down the three earlier endbosses tho and that stupid twoheaded Hydra! Whitestar has but i wasnt there at the time. We had some rly good tries on atleast Cho'Gall and Al'Akir 5% and 13%. Whitestar went inactive just after those runs.

Is this your main? How often do you play this character? Tell us about your other characters, including any serious alts. This is my second attempt playing on the hordeside and atm its going pretty good. Thistla died when she was 55 but this one is still alive and i play on her regularly. This is not my main however. I play a Shadowpriest named Alakina on the allianceside. This is as same as before a serious alt, its a chance for me to see my boyfriends side of things and to play with him not only on Allyside but on Hordeside too.

What's your complete guild history, on this realm as well as any other? Why did you leave / are you leaving your current or previous guild?My Goblin is atm a member in Whitestar Rocket crew. Whitestars hordeguild of course! Very inactive that is. I was in LP before with Thistla. And Alakina is still active in Whitestar. Leaving WRC just to get a chance to play with my babe and get to know his friends too.

Provide the names of some people we can get in touch with in-game as references. Please note that references are required: give names of characters on other realms, if necessary. If you know anyone on the Path, either in-game or IRL, mention that here also.Well i know Savian both ingame and IRL! And very good too! Since every other friend of mine is inactive atm i think one name will have to do for now.

What is your role in raids? How do you judge whether you're doing a good job or not?Im not going to raid with this one, its only for Social to get closer to my babycakes and see his world on the hordeside. When i raid on Alakina however, im not one who sits behind and casts some spells, yawning. Im in the fight and tell people what to do if its necessary and are in discussions about new tacts and ideas if the other failed. I bring a good spirit, call it a fighterspirit, a good mood. And as we say in swedish ”Lite jävlaranamma!”. Somedays is just going crap tho, and i can be rly quiet because im tired and stuff irl happend, i dont do well and gets more defocused. Rotation seems to mess up and everything turns just meh!

Describe your choice of spec, how you came to your current build, and any other things you feel we should know about why you spent your talent points the way you did.
Arcane is power. I read it was a good lvlingspecc and getting some tips from my hun i choosed it. And i like it too! As for now, i just ask him of everything concerning my mage, altho it isnt very hard to get some damage going. Up ahead i will try fire when im done lvling, and i hope he will help me there too =)

Where do you go to read about your class outside of the game?I am one of the lucky ones to have a wowlexicon! Everything i know or will learn about mages is find in that lexicon called Robin, maybe you heard of it! It's just awesome! When it comes to my Spriest i read forum and wowhead, i often like to armorysearch for good shadowpriests i know is in a good guild which performs well and see if i can get any tips from there.

Please provide a screenshot of your UI during raid boss or dungeon boss combat.Okey lets see, i dont rly think its necessary to see a goblin in a group in early northrend instances, not since its only a Social Apply. But i have this instead! Image

Roleplaying Section: End your application with a short in-character biography, a note from your character to the officers, or other RP story or RP statement about yourself. Effort is much more appreciated than length or content, and your application will not be considered without it.I havnt had the chance to roleplay Deadla yet. But if i do sometime i will roleplay her as a clumpsy and not so bright goblin. Always messing things up but always having a smile on her face. In her footsteps follows trouble. Savian spends a large amount of time keeping her out of it. (atleast in my imagination, i havnt rly asked him if hes okey with this yet but...scchhhh...) With this longshort story about how she met Savian for the first time i hope you all can see how she is, the clumpsyness and the stupidity only she can have. For example; stops to pick a flower when shes chased by hordes of soldiers just because its worth something. The twig in her nose is another one of her many accidents.

Deadla slowed her Turbo-Trike in and backed it up behind some bushes. She looked through the branches and mumbled angrily to herself.
- Blast! I will never get to Southern Barrens in time. Just my luck. Always my typhical luck!
In front of her she could see some Alliance Soldiers amuzing themselves with swordfights. Fighting and laughing between eachother while drinking and spitting on the ground.
- And people call us ugly! This is the worst sight i've ever seen, she said and waved away an annoying fly from her face. Her blue tangled hair was losely tied up in a tail on the side of her head and a big strand of hair had escaped it and was hanging lose on the side of her face.
-Oh well, guess i have to sit here and wait now. Darn it! If they see me i will be Kebab!
She sat down and rested her back against a rock while hearing the Soldiers high laughter in the air. She got more and more annoyed and tried to kick a small stone on the ground away from her but missed, Her toe accidentaly scratched the ground and was now aching in pain. She furiously picked it up and throwed it away, landing just in front of her feets..
-Yeah thanks! Anything else i will fail at? she said and angrily looked up.
Suddenly she heard a noice coming from a bush in front of her. She tried to get up but stumbled over her feet and fell down on her stomach.
-Ohhhwww! yeah obviously that was supposed to happen!
From where she was laying she saw a tall figure standing above her looking down on her with
the most uninterested face she had ever seen. His eyes was glowing green and his face
was serious.
Deadla looked up and broke up in a big smile.
-Hey! Your eyes have the same color as my skin! thats so awesome!
The tall figure fixed her with his eyes. As if he was saying "Burn". He turned around and walked slowly but gracefully towards the Alliance Soldiers.
-Ehm! Hello! Sir, you will surely get killed! We are outnumbered here!
Deadla got up on her feet and hastened to the side of the tall male.
-What will you do? You can't just rush in, thats suicide. I will not stay and pick up the ashes from you! My bags are almost full! Just so you know. Deadla caught her breath for a short second.
You are a Bloodelf are you not? I have seen your kind when i arrived in Orgrimmar few weeks ago.
The bloodelf turned and faced her, and suddenly Deadla felt...very small!
-Do you ever stop talking? he asked and turned his face again towards the Alliance Soldiers.
Deadla thought a while.
-Ehm! No! But if you give me a goldcoin...
Deadla stopped herself when she saw the face of the Bloodelf, it wasnt a happy smiling face he showed, so without getting paid she said no more.
-Now stay here.
He looked at the little Goblin, looking back at him. She could come in handy, maybe a decoy.
He almost broke out in a smile, almost.
-Okey here is what i need you to do, and dont say a word about it. Either you can cowardly sit here and wait for them to find you, or you can help me take them out.
-But sir, im not very good at dealing with soldiers..they have big...swords.
-Go out there and earn the right to be in this land damn it!
Deadla said no more, closely she started to follow the bloodelf towards the Alliance Soldiers. They may look ugly, but as she came closer and closer they were a scary sight.
-Sir if we going to die, i want to know your name.
The bloodelf snorted and stopped for a second. This Goblin was really annoying. He wondered how in the earth Garrosh the leader of the Horde could have accepted her even as a mere worker in the great city of Orgrimmar.
-Im Savian Greyweaver. And we are not going to die! He said shortly and started walking again.
-Wow that is so awesome! What a nice name! Where did you get that from, does it mean something. Where is your parents.
Savian sighed and looked down on the Goblin, he was not happy. Would she ever stop talking?
And Deadla hushed, she had the chance to be a partner with a bloodelf , she didnt want to lose this opportunity. In one breath she introduced herself.
-I am Deadla Skipperdee, surviver from Kezan.
Savian payed no attention to her name, and just pointed towards the Alliance Soldiers.
-Okey little..frog.You walk straight up to those Alliance Soldiers and get them to follow you. I will be waiting for you here to take them out. Savian broke up in an evil smile.
-They will never know what hit them.
-Sir i have short legs.
-Listen to me greenskin!
-Whatever. You go out there and you make them follow you or i will burn you to ashes myself!
-Alright, alright! Deadla started to walk, her body trembled and never in her whole life had she been so scared. She crouched down so they shouldnt see her to early, she best had to pull this off. So the bloodelf could see she wasnt a coward. She felt an urge to impress him. that bloodelf was ubercute!
She rised when she was close enough. And started to wave her arms. The Alliance Soldiers saw her immediately.
-Hey! You ugly paleskins, come and get a piece of me if you dare!
She dont know what she said, and she didnt even know they didnt understood her either. But something must have worked cause now she was running. Her short legs had never moved so fast before and she was amazed she even was this fast.
Savian waited eagerly in the bushes making himself ready to take them out, he readied a powerful spell which would surely take them all out in one blow or injure them badly.
Deadla turned her head almost as a powerful voice had whispered in her ear. A voice stronger than
Savian's, stronger than her mothers voice and even stronger than her own will. The voice of greed...
Deadla turned and ran towards the flower, away from Savian. He sighed angrily and had to interupt his spell. Hiding his face in the hand. He was furious, the greenskin was about to ruin it all and maybe get them both killed.
Deadla slowed down and was ready to pick it up, she crouched down and smelled it. The scent was strong but sweet. Flowers was almost as good as goldcoins. She picked the flower and as soon as the flower was in her almost full bag she returned from her greedstate. Realizing this was a very very bad spot. The Alliance soldiers came for her and they were so close she could almost see the saliva rinsing down their chins.
Savian was mad, but she was still an ally. Even if the greenskin was weak and the most annoying thing he ever had the chance to meet she was still on his side.
-Savian! Help me! Im going to die, i dont want to die.
Even if he shouldnt smiling he was, almost laughing, when he saw the green figure running around in circles chased by the Alliance Soldiers. It looked hilarious.
He left his hidingspot and walked slowly towards the Soldiers and readied the powerful spell again.
-Deadla! STOP!
-Say what now! Im not stopping.
-Do as i say and you will live!
Deadla stopped instantly, and she heard the Soldiers coming closer.
-Now! Concentrate on me and repeat what i say!
Deadla closed her eyes and concentrated and repetaed after Savian. Suddenly she could feel his robe against her arm. She was beside him. She looked up and giggled and was rly amazed how the bloodelf could have such great power.
-Now stand back!
Savian launched the powerful spell at the soldiers. Deadla had to cover her eyes protecting them from the dust and dirt flying around her.
Savian broke up in one of his evil smiles.
-Worked as expected! He said and brushed some dust off his shoulder.
Deadla opened her eyes again and the Alliance Soldiers was laying on top of eachother in a big pile. Everyone of them..dead.
-WOW! That was just perfect! You are so powerful. Can you teach me that? How can i learn that? And how could i end up beside you? Is there a...
-Will you ever shut up! Savian looked down on Deadla. And Deadla smiled looking up at him.
-My hero, i will be in your dept now, i will follow you everywhere you go! She hugged his leg and refused to let go.
Savian shaked his head. What had he done, he didnt want any company, and certainly not from a greenskin like herself.
-I will do everything you ask me. Just name it and i'll do it!
Savian sighed deep and started to walk, maybe she would come in handy afterall. Only time would tell. He smiled again, but this time it wasnt an evil smile, it was amuzement.
-Well you can get yourself useful right away. Go pick me some flowers!
-Right! Deadla ran back and forth over the plain carrying her heavy bag. Savian mumbled for himself. And saw the greenskin picking up herbs for him with great pleasure.
Yes maybe she will be handy afterall. He said and continued smiling.
-Blast! Savian! My bags are full! Nothing goes in there anymore, nope!
Savian frowned but Deadla was smiling bigger then ever before, finally having a hero she looked up to with great pride and devotion.

Additional notes. Optionally, mention anything else you'd like us to know about your application.How i will benefit the guild you ask? Easy..I will be the queen of farmers! The king is my teacher and happens to be my boyfriend too!, Half of what i get in goes to the guild and half of it comes to my mail as gold! What i would do with a bottle of cream? Funny question but i would def pour it on Savian and lick it up from censured..and censured and then..censured

Thank you for your time reading my application!

2011 Jul 09 (Sat) 3:55 pm
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Post Re: Deadla (Social Apply)
Big vouch! Finally I got my babe to apply (again) so we can hang out on Horde side as well and maybe get something done while we're at it :D

Also, great RP story hun (though I might be biased as it obviously shows off my badassness IC'ly), and very detailed stuff for a social application!

Sav. 8-)

2011 Jul 09 (Sat) 4:09 pm
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Post Re: Deadla (Social Apply)
Hey Thistla/Deadla,

It would have suffice with just poking one of us in-game :P Since you still have access to the forums I would consider you a member (of some sort :) ). Anyways always nice to read a good application so pluspoints on that. We welcome you back with open arms! Whisper Savian, Arache, Jotra or me for a ginvite

P.S will change your username in accordance to your new "main" so if you can't log on for some reason in the coming hours/days try with the new username.

2011 Jul 09 (Sat) 7:38 pm
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