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Declined: Social App - Warlock 
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Joined: 2011 Nov 23 (Wed) 2:02 am
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Class: Warlock
Post Declined: Social App - Warlock


Race, Class, and Main Spec:

Undead Warlock levelling as Demo but will go with the best performance raid spec for raids

Armory Link:

Not available yet as she was only rolled recently as per the need of the guild according to Arache and Vedder.

What's your name and where are you from?

Ben, UK

How old are you? Please express your answer in Reverse Polish Notation.

20 + 10

How long have you been playing WoW? What experience do you have of endgame raiding?

6 years, done all of Classic, TBC and WOTLK on various characters, also done BWD and some of Firelands

Is this your main? How often do you play this character? Tell us about your other characters, including any serious alts.

Yes it will be my main

I have a level 85 Pala and Mage and im also levelling a hunter too that id like to place in the guild

What's your complete guild history, on this realm as well as any other? Why did you leave / are you leaving your current or previous guild?

Spent 3 years running my own guild on Moonglade Alliance before it disbanded mid WOTLK, i then joined Vanguard of Valor on Darkmoon Faire untiil leaving in April where i took a WOW break.

Provide the names of some people we can get in touch with in-game as references. Please note that references are required: give names of characters on other realms, if necessary. If you know anyone on the Path, either in-game or IRL, mention that here also.

TBH, so many have left the game in recent times im not sure who i can give you as a referee

What is your role in raids? How do you judge whether you're doing a good job or not?

As DPS, its about staying alive while doing the expected numbers to help get a kill

Describe your choice of spec, how you came to your current build, and any other things you feel we should know about why you spent your talent points the way you did.

Going Demo so my pet can do all the work :P I am massive on research and will im to be comfortable with all my specs

Where do you go to read about your class outside of the game?

Elitist Jerks, Warlocks Den.........anywhere really, im big on tactics and a former raid leader

Please provide a screenshot of your UI during raid boss or dungeon boss combat.

Roleplaying Section: End your application with a short in-character biography, a note from your character to the officers, or other RP story or RP statement about yourself. Effort is much more appreciated than length or content, and your application will not be considered without it.
<This is the short fast version, longer one is in production>
She was born in the hamlet of Tarren Mill in Hillsbrad as a human girl named Felwyn. Having an affinity for magic from an early age the Magi of Dalaran identified her and brought her to the violet city to learn as an apprentice. Having been impressed with her powers, the evil necromancer, Kel'Thuzad took her under his wing to use her for his insidious plans.
When the Third War came, Felwyn had joined the ranks as Kel’Thuzad’s Cult of the Damned as a senior necromancer. Using her new found demonic powers she helped the Scourge raze Lordaeron in the name of the Lich King. It wasn’t until a chance encounter with the Jaina Proudmoore had a reign of terror ended. That was not the end for her though and she was raised into undeath to continue to serve.
Now years later, having finally broken free of the Lich King’s will, she serves a new master……the Banshee Queen Lady Sylvanas. Now she is forsaken, now she goes by her new name……..Cadavia

Additional notes. Optionally, mention anything else you'd like us to know about your application.

I spoke to Vedder and Arache on on a Mage called Skelaton if that helps, that was just a pre PVP alt

I am also going to be filiming these two new chars on my youttube gaming channel and wouldl ike to featture the guild on them when i play more directly with you.

I have gamed for over 20 years and was at one point semi professional, i still get free gear from Intel, Razer, Nvidia and Corsair aswell as part of my rather stella job :)

I have made an account on this forum with my online handler rather than a char name as i will be playing a few toons to provide options to the guild

2011 Nov 24 (Thu) 12:26 pm
Officer (Retired)
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Post Re: Social App - Warlock
Heya and thanks for the interest.

I feel a thing needs to be cleared here.
While it's always nice to have alts as possible reserves we won't have them as part of the mainraidingteam (unless we severely lack a certain role) other than that we try and live by the moto "bring the player not the class" and we expect everyone to have one maincharacter which they will treat like a maincharacter, investing everything they need to do. That's also why we ask people to create their forum account with the name that reflects their chosen maincharacter.
(Sorry if you had the impression and plan of taking several character with the raidteam).

Other than that I got a question for ya:

- How does your in-game schedule look these coming weeks
- How long do you reckon it will take for you to be 85 and ready to jump into raids with us?

/ Vedder

2011 Nov 24 (Thu) 4:12 pm

Joined: 2011 Nov 23 (Wed) 2:02 am
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Class: Warlock
Post Re: Social App - Warlock

My plan is to have options available to the guild, lets be honest.......certain encounters favour certain classes and fighting styles, or for example nerfs and buffs make certain classes undesirable during certain periods. Thats why im currently leveling two chars to maximise my usefulness later on.

Both toons have full looms, so they should level fast, however i have a full time senior level job that takes alot of my hours up and a wife/family to manager, they will allways be my priority.

Tbh, 4.3 might be doable, Pandaria Expansion for sure.

One character will allways be my main character, that character will be what is the most useful at that time to the guild. My problem wont be my levelling speed, it will be my gearing up speed at the cap of which they will obviously be quite away behind.

But i want to join as a social app, if you find a well geared lock in the mean time i will understand.

2011 Nov 24 (Thu) 5:54 pm
Officer (Retired)
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Joined: 2010 Jun 05 (Sat) 1:46 pm
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Post Re: Social App - Warlock
Hey Cadavia,

The future is very unpredicatable, judging this from a raiding point of view we don't think you and us will be a good match down the line. Concerning the social status of this application we're inclined to say no as well mostly due to lacking any direct ties with any guildies.

Hope you find a suitable guild for your needs
Good luck out there

2011 Nov 27 (Sun) 12:15 am
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