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Accepted — Narushka, shadow priest 
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Post Accepted — Narushka, shadow priest
First of all. My character is on alliance side at the moment, after I find suitable guild for her, I'll go through factiong change. I have name reserved I know she'll be troll for sure. If I get accepted I'd appreciate it if you'd give me a few days to get things sorted on alliance before the invitation. Leaving my current guild has been hard desicion that I've been thinking from the summer.

NAME: Narushka
Race/Class: troll/priest
Main Spec: pve-shadow
Primary Professions: Alchemism (elixir master)/ Herbalism
Armory Link: ... Vespertine
Fishing Skill: 450

What's your name and where are you from?
You can call me Mánnu. I'm from Finland.

How old are you? Please give your answer in Reverse Polish Notation.
Someone has been too much in mathematic lessons. I mostly slept on mine so I'm afraid you're not getting your answer today. I'll give a hint, it's between 20 and 30.

How long have you been playing WoW? (may also help explain strangely high fishing skills)
I started during vanilla soon after Defias Brotherhood was opened. My ex was playing on alliance so I choosed also that side to play with him (something I've regretted pretty long).
On horde side I've started in mid TBC I quess.

Is this your main? How often do you play this character? Tell us about your other characters, including any serious alts.
I see this one as my pve main. My main to pvp is 80 troll shaman in <Second Gurubashi Empire>. I'm one of the crazy people who actually enjoy doing battlegrounds.
At the moment I've been playing my shaman bit more since I've had my alliance account passive almost two months. Generally priest is the char wich I'm spending most time with.

What's your guild history? Are you in a guild right now? Are you leaving that guild because of some drama you caused? Cause one thing we really don't want is drama... No, you say? Then why are you leaving?

I've been actively in two alliance guilds before this current one on my whole WoW career. I leaded the first guild and it's reform almost for two years (I count them as same guild). Why I left is long, boring story. I pretty much burned out. I tried to recover with break of few weeks, but it didn't change things much.
The guild I joined second, went soon to hibernation in raiding in end half of TBC, so I decided to switch a guild again.
<Undying Legacy> Was what I found, I haven't needed to change a guild after that. I really enjoyed the late TBC and beginning of WotL (T7) time with them.
When Ulduar came out and we progressed pretty fast with guild first kills, pressure started to get higher. We were stuck in Yogg and raiding started slowly become very stressfull. This caused some bad blood in the guild. I'm not going through this either since I don't want to talk bad about UL, its leaders or other individuals in the guild. In the end they're very nice bunch of people, and they've really earned the good reputation wich they are currently having on alliance side.
Anyways. These unplanned changes effected to some people (including me) pretty heavily. The atmosphere changed even when officers and most of the guild tried to fight back. The problems were still hard to solve.
Since I felt again I don't enjoy the game and the guild anymore like I used to did, I decided to take a break for few weeks, play my shaman a bit and concentrate to some things in IRL (like geocaching :D). It was still holiday season anyways and there wasn't much happening.
After 6-7 weeks I returned to find out that many of the core players have left to other guilds, and many had announced they'd drop out from active raiding even when they'd stay in the guild. Now some have also swapped their mains to horde.
If I'm honest, at the moment situation looks pretty bad. I know these people most likely fight their way back up after they've spent some time away from the active raiding. If they want to. But i've noticed now I want something else that UL or even the alliance can't offer. I haven't made any close friends in guild so in that point of view it's not hard for me to leave (I'm very hard to get close to, so no I'm not blaming them). I've had lots of good times with them and I'm not actually a person who'd like to give up easily, but I've felt for a moment that I need a change if I'd like to go on with my priest.

I'm in <Second Gurubashi Empire> with my shaman Socio (80/pvp-resto/pve-elemental) and I have private guild to my alts. I have also warrior in the remains of <The Old Lordaeron>. I spent a moment in Conquest before their reform with my shaman, but I didn't feel I met their requirements skillwise at the time being.
SGE was the reason I choosed to get another account to play on horde.

Provide the names of some people we can get in touch with in-game as references. If you know anyone on the Path, either in-game or IRL, mention that here also.
I don't know if anyone likes to have their name on these forums. If someone likes to get names, please PM me so I can check first if they're allowing me to give their names out.
I don't know anyone from LP (I think). Some familiar names from pugs but that's all.

What is your role in raids? How do you judge whether you're doing a good job or not?
Melt faces! Buff the raid. Keep up the good spirit.
I'm not damagemeter whore, and I personally hate dps e-pening. I'm more concentrating to survive from the encounter and do decent dps than to top the dps meter but not caring about additional tactics that many bossfights require. When the encounter is on farm status and tactics are clear, it's time to aim for dps-rush achievements and hardmodes.
There's several addons that can help me to find things to improve like MFclip and analyzes from Recount. Deadly Bossmods, Omen, OmniCC, forte, boss specific addons etc help me to concentrate the many things you need to keep track during the raids.

What's your PvE experience like?
Vanilla: few silly andom AQ20 and ZG runs just before TBC came out. This was with my hunter.
TBC: Cleared everything 'til Brutallus/SWP.
WotL: Full clears and majority of the hardmodes in Naxx, OS, Malygos. In Ulduar everything but Yogg. TotC 10 cleared with normal modes.
You can see the achievement list from armory yourself to get more details if you're interested. Apart from TotC I've done mostly 25mans as you can see.

Describe your choice of spec, how you came to your current build, and any other things you feel we should know about why you spent your talent points the way you did.
I've left out most of the pvp oriented talents from shadow tree and spent the points to get some buff to my manaregeneration and dps from discipline tree.
Shadow affinity isn't needed since threat isn't such a big problem anymore (never had agro problems). Especially when there's no points in improved VE and you keep your Omen active.
Choosing a spec isn't actually rocket science. You just need to decide if you spec for pve or pvp and actually read what the talents do.

I know I'm way over the hitcap but there's nothing I can do with it at the moment. I'm still waiting to get new shiny mainhand. This has eaten my crit quite a bit (I try to keep it above 20%, closer to 25% the better), but since SP is still the talent that gives most psp I'm mainly gemming for that.
I also know I'm still wearing mostly rare gems instead of new shiny epic ones. I don't personally see so big difference between them that I'd spend 1-2k gold just to get these pretty minor updates. But when I recieve new gear I'll get the epic gems for them.
Blue gems (sp/spirit) aren't optimal ones, but I need them for my metagem, and that's pretty much the best meta available for shadow priests at the moment. I'll look at the pant gemming again when I get better belt and I can stuck one blue gem to belt buckle without loosing psp that much.

Where do you go to read about your class outside of the game?
Class forums in wow-europe.
And I had this very awesome priest classleader in UL who had pretty much all the knowledge shadow priest needs to have.

Obviously you're here for the awesome PvE, but this being an RP realm, and us lot being total nerds, indulge us: end your application with a short biography, in-character note to the officers, or other story or statement about yourself. Effort is much more appreciated than length or content, and this section is not optional.
To be honest I haven't tought about this yet for my troll, only that she'll be frostmane.

Vespertine is from a family of four daugthers, and a mother who is widow since the family lost their father in third war during battles in Hyjal. Story of the father and his two oldest daughters trying to find out what happened to him is its own, long story wich has progressed during the time I've played (my hunter was the oldest of the sisters and my ex played the second oldest).
Vespertine is older from the twins and she has two big sisters. The bigger sisters choosed the path of hunter when they grew up, since their father was a great hunter and they admired him a lot.
The twins started to serve light in Darnassus when they've grown up pretty old. They didn't grow up to be mature persons as fast as their bigger sisters, since mother of the family kept them so close. When Darnassus was built, twins and their mother moved to the area and the twins started to train in the Temple of Moon.
Sadly Vespertine's twin sister (she is character of my friend) got lost during some restless time in Darnassus, when orcs attacked the city. When Vespertine got recruited by Argent Dawn she decided to move to Stormwind. The paths of these twins met again in Stormwind, but it's another story of its own.
After that a lot has happened, but when Vespertine started to do research for Argent Dawn about necromancery and ways to use shadow against scourge, she started to learn the shadow magic herself. She hasn't abandoned the light, and she is still working for the Argent Crusade, gathering information about cultists and scourge in Northrend.

The story might not be perfect lorewise and by timeline, since when we started to play these four sisters, none of us didn't know that much about the lore. The knowledge has ofcourse been getting stronger during this time. Some times don't have much details since I haven't RPd much, and some do if we've spent weeks just RPing and getting on with the story.

2009 Sep 25 (Fri) 6:09 pm
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Post Re: Narushka, shadow priest
This seemed to be left out from my copy paste (wrote the application at work during last two days to a memory stick)

Additional notes. Optionally, mention anything else you'd like us to know about your application.
I'm not promising to attend to raids 100%:ly.
I work in three shifts so late evening shifts, long night shifts and working over time is part of my job.
I'm able to use PC very limitedly from work (well, depends a bit from the role of the day), so if I get late or need to cancel I might not be able to inform you about it before the starting time. Tho I'll always try to tell beforehands when I'm working on late evening so you know I might be late or not able to join.
Time after time I'm also "being on a call" wich means I'm able to be at home, but if I'm needed on work and they call me to go, I really need to go and there's no time for "please, one more try on this boss". I also try to remember and note RL about this if I'm joining to a raid.
Tho I'm still also studying so when I'm on school there won't be these problems during the weeks and sunday evenings.

I also value my IRL more than WoW, even when I spend much time in game.
Your raiding times and hours seem reasonable and doable if I'm on day offs or working during the morning.

2009 Sep 25 (Fri) 6:42 pm
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Post Re: Narushka, shadow priest
What do people have against Reverse Polish Notation!?

Thank you for a really nice application as well as the up-front honesty about raid times. That doesn't sound like too much of a big deal; as I mentioned to you in-game the other day, attendance is something we're pretty relaxed about as long as people are polite and responsible about it.

Let me give the other officers a chance to peer at this, but thumbs-up from me.

2009 Sep 25 (Fri) 8:57 pm
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Post Re: Narushka, shadow priest
I like it.

2009 Sep 25 (Fri) 11:22 pm
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Post Re: Narushka, shadow priest

Let us know when you're ready, and /w Thórva, Ekhan, or Zalmoxis for a ginvite.

2009 Sep 26 (Sat) 12:15 am
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