The Luminous Path

Guild Ranks
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Author:  Vedder [ 2011 Aug 22 (Mon) 12:58 am ]
Post subject:  Guild Ranks

Guild Ranks

Here's an overview of the guild ranks and what their function is. Overall the ranks are basically functional as a status and intention reminder from the member to the guild. All members are always treated equally and no special rewards are applied to a specifique rank. Under no circumstances is a person treated different than any other by their ranks (apart from raiding spots).

The current relevant ranks are as follows:

As in almost every other guild are the people that handle the organizational and adminstrative parts of running a guild. Relevant ranks are:

Dragon Head

Members on raiding rank are those whose main characters are equipped for the task of performing at the guild's PvE progress point and who have committed to (and actually do) sign up for two thirds of the guild raids that are setup. They receive automatic priority for raid spots over other members. Relevant ranks are:


Members who have been invited to the guild for some reason other than their usefulness in PvE or raid-equipped members who cannot make a regular time commitment. These persons are expected to contribute to the guild in other ways than raiding. They may still join guild raids if spots are free. Relevant ranks are:


The members that have applied for a spot in this guild are for the first few weeks set on a trial rank. During this time the officers will evaluate the trialists to see if they have what it takes to join us as a full member. Either if you apply for a raiding or social spot this trial is a necessary step for both ranks. Relevant rank is:


Other than the above we have two other ranks.

Upper Reserve
These people are alts of the officers

These people are other members alts and highly inactive people.

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