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Accepted: Krylon - Holy Paladin 
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Joined: 2011 Nov 23 (Wed) 11:36 am
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Class: Paladin
Post Accepted: Krylon - Holy Paladin
Name: Krylon
Race, Class, and Main Spec: Tauren, Paladin, Holy
Armory Link: ... lon/simple

What's your name and where are you from? My name is Lucas and I’m from Brazil , currently living in Dubai.

How old are you? Please express your answer in Reverse Polish Notation. 10 7+

How long have you been playing WoW? What experience do you have of endgame raiding? I’ve been playing WoW since it was in TBC expansion,although I’ve only started raiding once Cataclysm was introduced. My raiding experience right now is 12/12 on the tier 11 raids, and currently on firelands I am at 7/7 normal and 1/7 HC. Hard-core raiding is not something I’ve been exposed to very often, but if I am then I don’t struggle too much since I always watch videos and read up on information before attempting something at which I’m not used to. Nonetheless, the spells used to heal will be the same, just the intensity changes.
Is this your main? How often do you play this character? Tell us about your other characters, including any serious alts. This holy paladin is my main, and I play it everyday since I find it very fun to play it. I have a disc/holy priest alt, whose name is Hydrogen. I would say it’s a pretty serious alt since it has decent gear, and I perform just as well on the priest as I do on my paladin. The armory link for Hydrogen is as follows: ... gen/simple

What's your complete guild history, on this realm as well as any other? Why did you leave / are you leaving your current or previous guild? The first guild I joined at cataclysm for raiding purposes was “You No Take Bottle”, and there we progressed on normal tier 11 raids such as Bastion of Twilight, Blackwing Descent, and Throne of the Four Winds. I left because as summer came people became inactive and since I wanted to keep raiding I joined “Perseverance”, where I saw familiar faces of people who were in You No Take Bottle. In Perseverance we progressed on FL and cleared the normal content of the raid. I left that guild for the same reason as I left the other one – because players became inactive and no raiding resulted from that inactivity. Then, I joined Violent Noise, as they seemed like a nice group of people who were interested in progressing through Firelands. However, I’m planning to leave this guild because the main raiders are becoming inactive and not logging on for weekly raids, making the raid leader having to invite people with not much experience on FL, and it’s as if they’re regressing due to the lack of players from the main group.

Provide the names of some people we can get in touch with in-game as references. Please note that references are required: give names of characters on other realms, if necessary. If you know anyone on the Path, either in-game or IRL, mention that here also. Since Haos was the leader of You No Take Bottle, feel free to talk to him about me. He also happens to be in Luminous Path. From Perseverance, I was in that guild for a fair bit of time, but the leader is also inactive. His name is Eclipser, if the chance comes to get into contact with him. For Violent Noise, I haven’t been in the guild long enough for them to provide an accurate description of me as a raider and as a normal person.

What is your role in raids? How do you judge whether you're doing a good job or not? My role in raids are healing. If I’m on paladin, I always raid as holy. If I’m on my priest, I change between holy and discipline depending on the encounter. I judge whether or not I’m doing a good job at my personal “homework” if I know the fight well after studying it on different medias such as videos and articles. As for knowing whether or not I perform well in a fight, I would say it’s when healing is balanced between healers in the raid. For example, the healers have around the same percentage of total healing done for the fight. If one healer had percentages way above mine, I would not be doing a good job because in this case I would, in a way, be making another person do extra work that should have been mine (healing people). I always try at my best level on encounters so this doesn’t happen to be the case. Also, I think I do a good job if I’m not doing silly mistakes on bosses, such as moving from fire late, getting hit by things I shouldn’t be getting hit by, etc.

Describe your choice of spec, how you came to your current build, and any other things you feel we should know about why you spent your talent points the way you did. Healing has always been my favourite specialization. Since the start of my WoW experience I have been a healer, and that haven’t changed since then. Healing seems to have that tiny bit of extra pressure that makes you feel like a hero once the raid group manages to kill a boss after trying hard for it. If I were to summarize my current build, I would say it prioritizes quick healing and effective mana regain. I’m always throwing Judgement whenever it’s off cooldown, and got a talent to make it able to hit 10 yards farther, which greatly helps with my mana regeneration if an enemy is always in range for me to hit them with judgement.

Where do you go to read about your class outside of the game? For my priest Tankspot seemed a great guide for fight encounters, since Aliena is a priest. I also look for articles at ElitistJerks whenever I’m in doubt of something, but I don’t use their forums that much. Wowhead is also good since it’s possible to get feedback of different people there on class .

Please provide a screenshot of your UI during raid boss or dungeon boss combat.

Roleplaying Section: End your application with a short in-character biography, a note from your character to the officers, or other RP story or RP statement about yourself. Effort is much more appreciated than length or content, and your application will not be considered without it.
Drumbeats sounded in the distance. A constant thump broke the deathly silent night. Krylon sat up on his cot and shook his mane. He donned his armor, gleaming an earthy brown and gold. Today was his Rite of Passage. Today was the day he would become a Sunwalker. He looked down at the unfinished letter on the table; a header lining the top read, "The Luminous Path". He sat down to finish his writing before the ceremonies took place. Krylon read over the writing once more. All seemed to be in order, and just in time. The drumbeats sounded again, faster-paced, this time. He stood from his seat and strode to the tent's entrance flap. With a swing of his heavy arm, he pushed it aside and stepped into the sunlight. The Shu'Halo were gathered in a magnificent circle around the fire in the middle of Bloodhoof Village. Krylon walked, head held high, towards the circle, ready to begin his life as a Sunwalker.

Additional notes. Optionally, mention anything else you'd like us to know about your application. I’d just like to mention that as can be seen from my UI, the only addons I use are Recount and DBM. I don’t like healbots, grid, etc. I’ve tried them, but they just reduce my effectiveness.

2011 Nov 23 (Wed) 11:39 am
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Post Re: Krylon - Holy Paladin
Howdy. got a question for you.

Would you say your spec on the paladin is something you made from your own experience or something that you found somewhere?

Also heres a question i know will come up aswell. does your paladin have an offspec and would you be able to play it if asked?

2011 Nov 23 (Wed) 12:27 pm
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Post Re: Krylon - Holy Paladin
Hey there Krylon,

Thanks for your interest and all in all solid application.
Got a few questions lined up for you:

- Have you checked our raidtimes? How good do they fit your schedule?
- What are your thoughts about the 4.3 patch changes for holy paladins?
- You mention you don't like Grid or Healbot etc. I know that Blizzards default raidframes has been greatly improved since wotlk, however why do you still have the raidframes positioned at the far left side of the screen?? Wouldn't it be more suitable to have them closer to your vision of your character?

All for now
/ Vedder

2011 Nov 23 (Wed) 12:36 pm

Joined: 2011 Nov 23 (Wed) 11:36 am
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Post Re: Krylon - Holy Paladin
Hi and thanks for the replies.

As to Jiander's questions,

I'm not the best mathematician out there, so I leave the majority of theorycrafting up to people such as the ElitistJerks. However, when I see that I can benefit from a talent in specific, I will choose it. Such as the extra 10 yard for judgement, people have different opinions on that one, some put no points into it, some put 2. Mine has 1/2 as a personal choice as to how it would benefit my playstyle.
My offspec is protection. For the past few weeks I've started trying to slowly gear the spec up, so I can start playing it again, since the last time I played it was when I leveled from 1-85, and as soon as I hit 85 I switched to being a healer. Right now, I don't think it would be suitable for me to use that spec for raids, since I still have a lot to learn on it. However if you guys have patience, I will be able to be playing this spec decently in the near future.

And to address Vedder's questions,

I've saw the raid days and times and I think there won't be complications with that.
About 4.3, I think the change that Holy radiance will now have a cast time instead of being instant won't necessarily be bad since there will be benefits to it. I'm bummed about the fact that judgements with seal of insight won't regen mana anymore, and I'll have to hit the boss instead. But I guess this will be balanced with judgements of pure giving more mana regen.
I'm glad you brought up my style of raid frames. It being positioned in the far left side of the screen benefits me. If my eyes are moving from their resting place, the center of the screen, to the left, I get a better grasp of the situation without having to look up from the raid frames. If I had it in the middle, it would be easier to get funnel vision which is bad. My real life friend, Po, plays a resto shaman. We've been in guilds such as Perseverance and Violent Noise together. Until some time ago he used addons like Healbot, since he thought the setup was better and improved his healing. It took me some time to convince him that if he adapted to the default raid frame setup his healing improve, and it did. I understand what you are saying that if the raid frame being in the middle it would be more suitable. I've tried it, and it doesn't work for me. The default frame doesn't impair my performance, so I'm more than happy with it.

If there are any more questions please do let me know,


2011 Nov 23 (Wed) 2:15 pm
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Post Re: Krylon - Holy Paladin
Hey again Krylon,

Thanks for your replies. I myself started out without any raidframe addons and went with the default one. Tried Grid later and well everything changed. It's just so much better, but I guess it comes down to a personal preference. Would like to ask though how you handle the essential buffs/debuffs that certain bosses cast. Are you able to see them perfectly and follow them from your current frame setup?

We have a requirement of having 2 crafting professions for coming on progress raids with us. What's your opinion on that? And well do you have any plans to atleast leveling one up? (Not saying this will be enough).

2011 Nov 23 (Wed) 5:55 pm
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Post Re: Krylon - Holy Paladin
Very nicely written application. However:
Why are your boots and gloves unenchanted?

You seem professional in your writing, but you should really fix this and your professions.


2011 Nov 23 (Wed) 6:34 pm

Joined: 2011 Nov 23 (Wed) 11:36 am
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Post Re: Krylon - Holy Paladin
Hello Bob,

Sorry about that! I had gotten these pieces not too long ago and the fact they were unenchanted completely bypassed my mind. It should be fixed now, thanks for the heads up.

As for the professions, I should start working on them whenever I have extra time, in other words, whenever I'm sitting at Orgrimmar doing nothing.


2011 Nov 23 (Wed) 7:02 pm
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Post Re: Krylon - Holy Paladin
Heya! Sav here with a personal question. How would you rate your microphone setup and how comfortable are you in using it (often ;) ).

Sav. 8-)

2011 Nov 23 (Wed) 8:19 pm

Joined: 2011 Nov 23 (Wed) 11:36 am
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Post Re: Krylon - Holy Paladin
Nice to meet you Sav,

My current setup for audio is the Razer Megalodon, and it has a microphone attached on it. It works pretty well. Also I have no problems in talking. In case this microphone fails, I have a backup headset. It shouldn't be a problem.


2011 Nov 23 (Wed) 8:45 pm

Joined: 2011 Nov 23 (Wed) 11:36 am
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Post Re: Krylon - Holy Paladin
Vedder wrote:
Hey again Krylon,

Thanks for your replies. I myself started out without any raidframe addons and went with the default one. Tried Grid later and well everything changed. It's just so much better, but I guess it comes down to a personal preference. Would like to ask though how you handle the essential buffs/debuffs that certain bosses cast. Are you able to see them perfectly and follow them from your current frame setup?

We have a requirement of having 2 crafting professions for coming on progress raids with us. What's your opinion on that? And well do you have any plans to atleast leveling one up? (Not saying this will be enough).

Hi Vedder,

The raid frame shows all kinds of debuffs that raid-members receive. They're also color coded, that way I know whether or not I can dispel it straight away. So yes, I'm able to follow up on those.

The 2 crafting professions requirement make perfect sense for me. Not only does it benefit the individual character by giving them perks, but it also aids the raid as a whole. If this is a requirement then I will start working on that.

2011 Nov 23 (Wed) 11:54 pm
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