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Declined: Gnardrak, elemental shaman knocking on your door. 
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Post Declined: Gnardrak, elemental shaman knocking on your door.
Name: Gnardrak
Race/Class: Troll shaman
Main Spec: Elemental
Primary Professions:Herbalism and Alchemy
Armory Link: Gnardrak
Fishing and Cooking Skill: 450

My name is Paul and I live in Norway.

I'm a 1964 model.

Been playing WoW for 5 years now.

Gnardrak is my main charecter, and he's played every day. Alongside him I've played and still do to some extent a rogue, warlock, mage and a priest:
Ratbrain rogue on Dfias Brotherhood.
Aullav warlco on Defias Brotherhood.
Ghoulus mage on Magtheridon.
Ratheart priest on Trollbane.

Guild history on this server horde side is non, tho I played priest and rogue on this server allie side way back in vanilla wow. The guild I then raided with was Seraphim Nocturnus and Helix. So I havent left a guild lately but I left a server. For the past year or so I've been playing on Magtheridon, a server where all content have been open for PUG groups and with rather good success rate I may add. There is not any drama connected to any of my charecters, I'm a rather quiet person. So if u'r looking for a active guildchatter I'm not it. Reason's for leaving Magtheridon.... well to be short I'm a bit tired of pug's and the rather high rate of ninjaing it often leads to.

Provide the names of some people we can get in touch with in-game as references. If you know anyone on the Path, either in-game or IRL, mention that here also. Sorry no can do, I dont know anyone.

The role I play in raids are the one of a dps'er, but I've always used totems that buff raid\party members and not totems that deals damamge. How I evaluate my own performance is a combination of providing the totem buffs that are relevant for the fight at hand together with a dps meter. The dps meter is important to some extent but has never been crusial to me.

Vanilla wow I progressed\raided and farmed; MC, BWL, ZG, AQ*s and Naxx. This was done as rogue and holy\disc priest. Come TBC I rolled elemental shaman and has progressed\raided and farmed Kara, Maggy, Gruul, SCC, TK, MH and BT. This was mainly done on the Aerie Peak server in a aliancee guild called Solace. Come WOTLK I rolled horde side for the first time and went with a warlock .I'v raided Naxx, Ulduar, TotC,Sart, EoE and the first 3 bosses in ICC mainly in pug's. Gnardrak was faction switched to horde side when that option came available last year.

Well my current build is 57-14-0. Nothing much fancy about it, what I work on atm is to try and make use of the new fire totem abilety. Its a work in progress and it often ends up me being a caster in mellee range, but as i said earlier I regard the totems as buffs for the raid\party over personal dps (this does not meen that I slack on my dps part tho, I work hard on it and I use food and potions\flasks).

I roam the Eliteist jerks forum and the MMO champ site for info on my caherecters.

"Gnardrak dont wanna tell nobody about himselfe, is his life and of no concern to strangers. All u needa know is that he comes prepared to do his task and that is enough for now."

2010 Feb 03 (Wed) 10:14 am
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Post Re: Gnardrak, elemental shaman knocking on your door.
Fishing and Cooking Skill: 450

I would advise you not to modify the questions on applications you fill out. Our application is a little quirky and a little difficult, but that's because it's testing for a lot of things that one can't find on an armory page. (source)

This. I appreciate that you may want to indicate that you will be joining the ranks of the dozen or so people who race to throw down a fish feast as soon as possible after a wipe, but we can see all your profession skills from your armory link. The question is testing, in part, whether you get the joke about spending your 13 € a month on a less exciting version of Bass Hunter II.

Also, and this isn't directed at you specifically but more like at every single applicant: what is so hard about Reverse Polish Notation?

As much as we could use an elemental shaman, I'm not sure I'm at all appetized by the idea of you "not talking much" in guild chat. And so barring class questions (which I'm sure someone can come up with: who has a shammy? Guys?), mine is this:

    - Every week, it seems, another advert pops up in Trade for a "new raiding guild" that is "gonna do 10-mans at first and 25-mans when we get enough people". But there are probably less than ten guilds on the Horde side who raid all-guild 25s every week. What, in your opinion, separates a successful guild from a failed one?

2010 Feb 03 (Wed) 11:42 am

Joined: 2010 Jan 31 (Sun) 2:57 am
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Post Re: Gnardrak, elemental shaman knocking on your door.
Aaah yeah my fishing skill is NOT 450 but 422, you got me telling a lie on purpose because I think fishing lvl 450 is the ultimate skill that sets good wow players apart from less good players. Servers down for maintenace does not come into the mix here, not at all. So my knowledge of "wow armory" and how to use it for meaningless information gathering together with my sickening need to tell a lie is what you uncovered here. And yes I have no clue of what hillarious fun is hidden in the "Bass Hunter 2"/fhishing/making fishfeast than you so cunningingly managed to hide, me not getting it must feel like a personal insult I recon.

Reverse Polish notation the relevance of this point still eludes me. I guess I must have tripped the "NOT A GEEK" alert, and again you realy got me with my pants down.

Well tbh 5 years of trying to communicate with superior minds like yours and the likes have rendered me numb and not able to read guild chatt at all. The mindboggling fountain of infotainment hidden in the beautifull ramblings found in guildchatt is a great loss to me.
-OOC: Do you think that a reinstall of WOW would help me with this problem? I had hoped that the 332 patch would do the trick... but it did not :?.

Reason for not talking to much does not reflect that I'm usually much older than the "normal wow player" and therefor dont share to many common topic's to talk about. Top that with my rather shallow english where subtle humor or messages eludes me. IE Reverse Polish notation
-OOC I'm a family guy; 4 kids and a wife. I'm not playing wow to make friends and to be social, I play wow just because I love the game itselfe, I dont need online friends that are here today and gone tomorrow. I've been on the personal and friendly level ingame got burned like you wont belive and I still have the screendumbs to prove and they still hurts to read.

Regarding my barring class question....
And so barring class questions (which I'm sure someone can come up with: who has a shammy? Guys?), mine is this:
Sorry is there a actuall question there or?
Do you honestly expect applicants to pump up some compendium on "how to play and what to wear"? Do you belive that an indepth analyze of ones class is what makes better players?
-OOC Thank god for Gearscore!!!

And for the "pop up allover the place guilds" compared with your awesome guild ? No clue why they be less successfull than yours..... oh I got one! They dont have a shitload of time on their hands to sit around and figure out how to make a screening for a guild so inzanely ....... GD what is the word or it?....... ah well you prolly know what word I'm looking for by now.

-OOC And btw, I now finaly recall why I left this server in the first place way back when.... no it wasnt the corpse camping ...... try one more guess.

2010 Feb 03 (Wed) 3:27 pm
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Post Re: Gnardrak, elemental shaman knocking on your door.
This isn't about the application. Just to answer Thórvas question. I'll comment your application on different post :)

Thórva wrote:

Also, and this isn't directed at you specifically but more like at every single applicant: what is so hard about Reverse Polish Notation?

Might be super-clear for you if you're good in math or bothered to stay awake on classes when they've happened to study this. If they have.
It's like I'd think it's super-clear for you.. let's say when, how often and what kind of doses you can give Atropine during induction, just because it's clear for me. For example. You can't know it if you haven't needed the information before. You can google it or find book about anesthesiology if you've figured the subject that far, but still, what's the point in the long run if its about something you're not actually interested about? :>

I've always seen it just some silly officer-inside-joke or something. If it's not "for lolz", why to keep it in the form and get frustrated about it when people aren't putting numbers to silly order? Maybe write a new joke and ask something that more people can get the haha-part ;)

The question isn't anyway relevant to the game, getting it right proves nothing nor it gives any useful information about the applicant. So at least I totally understand why people skip it.

2010 Feb 03 (Wed) 3:52 pm
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Post Re: Gnardrak, elemental shaman knocking on your door.
Hey Paul, thanks for the application. You seem to have some concers regarding this guild, perhaps stemming from Thórva's questions, and I'd just like to take a moment to clear some things up and answer a few of your questions. I apologize that this is a bit wall-of-texty, but I feel the need to explain myself thoroughly.
I'm not playing wow to make friends and to be social, I play wow just because I love the game itselfe, I dont need online friends that are here today and gone tomorrow. I've been on the personal and friendly level ingame got burned like you wont belive and I still have the screendumbs to prove and they still hurts to read.

We understand that WoW is not life itself, and we do all (I think—I hope?) have solid social lives out there in the real world, but we, like youself, do love this game so. In order to be able to play the game in an environment we enjoy, with friends and acquaintinces, and without having to put up with the jerks and the trolls (the underbelly of every MMO, unfortunately) we band together in a guild. Now, we also want to down Arthas and get us some nice loot, but more than that our underlying purpose is to do so with people we like, people we trust, and people whose names we want to see pop up in the chat window every time they come online.
Do you honestly expect applicants to pump up some compendium on "how to play and what to wear"? Do you belive that an indepth analyze of ones class is what makes better players?

Yes, actually, we do. It isn't that we take this game soooo seriously, or that we want to try to compete with the world's top guilds — we think that would take all the fun out of it, and frankly we don't have the time or the energy. But we do put a lot of time and effort into our characters (I think it's safe to say that for most of us WoW is a hobby of sorts) and we do want to accomplish goals that take work, practice, and more than a modicum of skill to reach. And that means reading up on your class, trying things out, and knowing, or at least being willing and eager to learn, what it takes to get those bosses down.
And for the "pop up allover the place guilds" compared with your awesome guild ? No clue why they be less successfull than yours..... oh I got one! They dont have a shitload of time on their hands to sit around and figure out how to make a screening for a guild so inzanely ....... GD what is the word or it?

See my previous point about the kind of atmosphere we're trying to foster. If we could meet every applicant over a drink (non-alcoholic where appropriate, of course) and a chat and get to know them and like them then we would. We can't, unfortunately, and applicants taking the time to read over and respond to our questions and concerns, as well as our taking the time to do the same right back is all we have in the way of figuring out if we (you and us) are going to be able to have fun together playing WoW and helping each other accomplish our goals. We certainly don't intend to create an arcane and esoteric application process, and we do try to keep an open mind, but we like this guild, we like our friends here, and we are understandably protective of this good thing we've got going. The Luminous Path has been around for almost a year now — a long time for a guild — and I think that that's due in no small part to our refusal as a group to comprimise on the kind of play experience that we're after.

And finally,
Reverse Polish notation the relevance of this point still eludes me.

The relevance is this, if I may spell it out: keeping in mind all of the above, we want to have evidence that people have looked over, read, and engaged with the plethora of material contained in the posts about what we're looking for and how to apply, and we feel that it's a good indicator of people taking the time to look over the information that we've taken the time to write, as well as a willingness to be bothered to look something up (Google or Wikipedia, takes about four seconds) that they're maybe not sure about. Narushka, I know for a fact that none of the currently active guild officers have any maths skills at all (it merely being a form of notation, it's all about format, not calculation). I don't think asking someone to take a moment to prove their willingness to engage a bit (yes, with a joke, but a joke with a purpose) is too much.

Lastly, I have only this to say: anyone can go find a guild raiding ICC right now. Gear isn't hard to get, and plenty of people are at least past Saurfang now. If all you're looking for is people to raid with, and you don't care who, then your choices are multitudinous. If, however, you've looked over our information, maybe browsed the public chit-chat forum, and think that we're cool, interesting people and really you think maybe you'd like to raid with us, and not just anybody, then we can get down to business.

Last edited by Utukku on 2010 Feb 03 (Wed) 4:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Corrected an error regarding the RPN question.

2010 Feb 03 (Wed) 4:15 pm

Joined: 2010 Jan 31 (Sun) 2:57 am
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Post Re: Gnardrak, elemental shaman knocking on your door.
Mom, pls tell the dog to stop licking my navalfluff.......

Guys, what you dont get is that the "wall of text" and "effort" put into it dont tell you a darn thing about me as elemental shaman and my comittment to my charecter. I've got close to 400 days ingame logged atm, and to be frank the sillyness of your aplication screening is overwhelming. I would not go near your guild even if it was the last guild in WoW. The level of mindless bla bla bla and the coruage to have a laugh on my expence is mindboggling -=BZINGAH=- . So pls stay with your inzanely clever and uber funny Reverse Polish notation, what else than you looking like idiots did you uncover by it btw? My unvillingness to read up on it ? Internett is mostly filled with stuff I dont care to spend time on, so pardon me for not taking the joke and silly me for not wanting to join the big laugh on mine and\or others failiour to understand the genious intent hidden within it.

And by the way; the FAQ on elemental shamans you wanted me to write up for you to get accepted to a trial with your guild, what would it prove? That I know cut'n paste?

And I got the "atmosphere" quite early from you -=BZINGAH=-, they say that the devil is in the details..... well you'll find a few idiots there as well and a few geekwannabee's.

So sorry guys, your guild did not make it to my trial period -=BZINGAH=- .

2010 Feb 03 (Wed) 5:54 pm

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Post Re: Gnardrak, elemental shaman knocking on your door.
OOC: I think my spaceship knows which way to go.....

2010 Feb 03 (Wed) 5:56 pm
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Post Re: Gnardrak, elemental shaman knocking on your door.
Wow, aren't you full of happiness?

Yoi ichinichi o :)

Last edited by Narkz on 2010 Feb 03 (Wed) 6:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

2010 Feb 03 (Wed) 6:03 pm
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Post Re: Gnardrak, elemental shaman knocking on your door.
Edit: Seems like I'm slow typer. Agreeing totally with Zalmoxis here. Seems I repeated most of the stuff you wrote. But I leave my own textwall if someone is interested (propably not, I've critted you all dead already). It would be interesting to discuss the shiat through but meh, maturity loss. I'd have a lots of say about your " -=BZINGAH=- " but not worth of my time. Good luck with finding a guild with your attitude. :evil:


I've seen you've posted while I was typing for Thórva. Sorry for bringing that into your application thread but it's something that has been in my mind earlier.

Because of "tone" in the discussion, I don't know if the application is withdrawn or declined or do I just read this in more negative light than I should. But I don't see the atmosphere very friendly at the moment, or then it's sarcasm or something, I've missed for some reason.
I'll stick my spoon in anyways since I was reading the application earlier before there was any replies. Just couldn't answer it.

I'd like to remind you none of the questions are made are meant to offend you. Neither they are to stretch anyones e-pen. Like in job interview, we just want to make sure that person who applies to the spots fits to the "job". So keeping up mature, understanding attitude is appreciated on both sides.

We need to ask the questions because we can't just assume things since we don't know most of the applicants at all. Like you. I'm sure you've also found different type of players with different kind of skills in the game. Some give more value to it than others, since there's so many different ways to play and enjoy the game. The way this guild goes is endgame raiding and we're looking for likeminded people who have top knowledge about their class, have interest and patience needed to progress, keep gear in good shape and learn new things all the time. We also keep in mind the RP part since the server is RP-pvp server with additional rules.
So your application is just the first contact, giving the first impression and letting us know you've interested about joining since telepathy isn't on sale yet.

So. To the actual things that jumped up into my mind when reading your first post.

Your gear is nice and I can see you've made the effort to enchant it well and buy epic gems to your gem slots. This is huge plus ofcourse, even when they're not all best in slot choises.
I'd like to know why you've chosen the metagem you've socketed to your helm. In many sources Chaotic Skyflare Diamond is considered as best meta gem for all casters, by theorycrafters and all sort of target dummy nukers. Do you have some particular reason to choose other gem than the chaotic one?
I'm also bit confused about your gemming generally, you've gemmed mostly for haste wich is good choise, and ofcourse there's always the metagem issue when picking up colours, but there's still some mixed up gemming in your gear (I'm sure you know socket bonuses aren't worth of aiming for in most of the gear). Are you planning to change this?
Since you have 251 item level bracers, I'd remind you about the bigger SP enchant. You're also higly over hit cap so you might want to check Tuskarr's Vitality enchant for boots instead of Ice Walker. The speed increase will propably buff more your dps than crit, since in situations where you need to move you gain more time to do effective dps (=requires you to stand still).

Your Glyphs are cool and your spec is mostly ok too. I could swap the improved fire nova talent into maxed convection since in raids you're keeping up Totem of Wrath and don't have change to use other fire totems. That's no biggie tho, just something I noticed.

Because of the last post I feel like needing to comment the social part too. I don't know if that's alone a big problem if you're not a big chatter dude in /g. I understand the age difference and what it brings to the game. The age chasm is issue in the game even between younger people.
But in the end the raiding part is something where you just need to be able to communicate with the guild. Not only in raid, but also in /g and forums. If you know the people and their persons, it eases a lot. Raiding is a group sport and the social part is big slice of it. If the gear is important, the person is important too. I'm sure you see my point here.
Also, that if you're not bothered to know the people by chatting in /g, how do you attach to the guild? Is there any other way you're creating the contact between you and your guild mates?
I don't know. Maybe I've got some sort of wrong impression. But (without trying to be hostile or bitchy) if you're not here to "make friends" or "be social", where do you need a guild for?
I highly doubt that there's many life-time-friends you can get generally from internet (versus the amount of people you meet online). I also understand if you've got disappointed because of some friendship online gone wrong, been there - done tha't - got the T-shirt. But best advice I can give about online relationships is just live on today and have fun. Don't get any high expectations (yes, I'm kind of pessimist) so you won't get disappointed either.

So. Summa summarum. I'd gladly accept you by gear, experience and what ever game mechanical stuff there's around. There's some minor stuff wich can be easily fixed, and those aren't the things that are actually standing on your way. But the social part is that makes me ponder if you fit to the guild, even when I appreciate you being honest about that part too. Since I got the idea (might be right or wrong) that only purpose that guild stands for you is steady and safe raiding. In that case maybe some sort of raiding coalition would be better choise for you.

--Narushka the shadowbitch

2010 Feb 03 (Wed) 6:05 pm
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Post Re: Gnardrak, elemental shaman knocking on your door.
It would be interesting to discuss the shiat through but meh, maturity loss. I'd have a lots of say about your " -=BZINGAH=- " but not worth of my time. Good luck with finding a guild with your attitude.

Well said, Narushka.

2010 Feb 03 (Wed) 6:30 pm
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