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Accepted: Application - Scórn, Undead Rogue 
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Joined: 2010 Feb 21 (Sun) 8:30 pm
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Post Accepted: Application - Scórn, Undead Rogue
Name: Scórn
Race/Class: Rogue
Main Spec: 51/18/2
Primary Professions: Enchanting 450/450, Engineering 355/450 (leveling it currently).
Armory Link: Link

What's your name and where are you from?
I'm Jesper from the, currently, extremely snowy and cold Sweden... I hate snow...

How old are you? Please give your answer in Reverse Polish Notation.
I googled about 15min about this before giving up so I'm just gonna go ahead and say that I'm 18.

How long have you been playing WoW?
Account was created about 5 years ago, been playing on and off since then - came back from not playing since just before achievement patch in TBC (3.0?) a few months ago.

Is this your main? How often do you play this character? Tell us about your other characters, including any serious alts.
Yeah this is my main. I've got a hunter aswell at level 70 which I plan on start leveling soon, though I'm using it as a mining alt to get the Engineering up until then.

I can't really say when I will actually play, I can only say when I'm more or less available, 4pm to 11-12pm-ish.
Note that I say available because it doesn't mean I'll be playing, if there's something else that's come up or I need to study or work I'll do that instead.

What's your guild history? Why did you leave / are you leaving your current or previous guild?
Well, since "my return" I've only really been in Mutiny, which I'm still in. It's a decent guild, get along well with most of its members. The leadership is another matter entirely though... But let's not get into that.

Anyway, beside that I'm also looking to progress, past the plagueworks - which Mutiny will probably never pass - and atleast see Arthas.

Provide the names of some people we can get in touch with in-game as references. If you know anyone on the Path, either in-game or IRL, mention that here also.
Uhm you could talk to Kaba, Ariali or Stripi I guess, they're all from Mutiny. Other than that I've known Aziony/Narkz/One of his thousand alts for... a year? possibly 2.

What is your role in raids? How do you judge whether you're doing a good job or not?
Beside the obvious role of providing a high DPS I'm keeping ToTT up whenever it's off cooldown, which provides the tank with 15% more dmg and 10sec of redirected threat from me.
If there's another rogue in raid, or 2, I'd try and set up a ToTT rotation so that we ToTT eachother (once we've ToTT the MT once to avoid aggro) for the 15% dmg.

Other than that I keep out of any avoidable dmg - aoe, cleaving effects, dots, etc - to relieve raid healers from some strain. I've been raiding as Rogue since way back in classic, avoiding aoe is second nature to me as I've learnt that if I don't, I die.

ICC wise I also bring my passive detect traps to the raid (Give swirly ball or death!!! uhm... yeh... Maybe some classic player understands that... maybe...) which I'll combine with Smoke Flares to mark where the traps are so that everyone in the raid can see where they are properly, or disarm trap if tha't's the choice of the raid leader.

Lastly I also tend to keep a fair amount of Fish Feasts in my inventory that I'm I'll put up if necessary.

What's your PvE experience like?
Classic: Full ZG, MC, BWL, AQ20, AQ40 (AQ 40 was done at 80 though Ive done a few bosses in there back at 60), and all outdoor bosses.
TBC: Full Karazhan, Gruul, Magtheridon, SSC, Tempest Keep, MH, most of BT.
WotLK: ICC10 up to Saurfang including several wipes on Rotface, ICC25 up to and including Saurfang and wipe attempts on Festergut, ToC10/25, and the other usual things such as Ulduar, VoA, etc.

As the other bosses in Plagueworks have been at our grasp, more or less, I've watched several tactics videos of that wing aswell. Any encounter I don't know you can be sure that I'll watch videos of to make sure I've got an idea what it's going to be like and what I have to look for.

Describe your choice of spec, how you came to your current build, and any other things you feel we should know about why you spent your talent points the way you did.
Not really much choice as a rogue when it comes to specc. You either go 51/18/2 if you want to go Mutilate or you go 21/51/0 if you're into Combat.

I'm quite passively working on getting nice combat gear aswell to test it out, either to change into combat MS or have it as OS while keeping Mutilate as MS. Combat would then be used in fights where Mutilate is lacking - when mobs die too fast, fights that involve a lot of target switching and partly fights that involve running around a lot.

Where do you go to read about your class outside of the game? is virtually my home page these days.
If I feel I need to update myself in upcoming changes and raids I'd go to mmo-champion.
Tactic videos tankspot, tactic in text form wowwiki.

Roleplaying Section: End your application with a short in-character biography, a note from your character to the officers, or other RP story or RP statement about yourself. Effort is much more appreciated than length or content, and this section is not optional.
After awaking from the afterlife in a damp cellar with little to no memory of his past, Scorn set out searching across the world, searching for any information of who he was. Little is known about how much he's actually found out, though.
The one thing publicly known from Scorn's human life is that was in service at SI:7 in Stormwind. Or rather, it was quickly concluded after picking up the rogue trade so naturally, and later proven after questioning an imprisoned alliance rogue.

Just recently Scorn met Narkz, a tauren druid who for some reason seem to have something against him. Scorn, who have no clue as to what he's ever done wrong, have since decided to spend a fair bit of time with said tauren. This have made their friendship grow stronger but it's still unknown if Narkz has managed to forgive his wrongs.

Additional notes. Optionally, mention anything else you'd like us to know about your application.
Uhm, cookies are awesome? No, wait, they're awesomesauce! yeeh....

Some of you may remember me ganking you a little bit during your Dire Maul arena event ;o All I can say is, I had a blast! The feast afterwards was fun aswell but quite clearly lacked arena PvP flags... :p
Other than that...

Narwhals Narwhals swimming in the ocean causing a commotion cause theyre so awesome.
Narwhals Narwhals swimming in the ocean theyre pretty big and pretty white theyre the jedi of the sea!

2010 Feb 23 (Tue) 10:57 pm
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Post Re: Application - Scórn, Undead Rogue
One of the best people I have had a pleasure playing with. All started with a re-roll project in TBC which ended quite badly but put me in touch with him which I have never regretted. He definetly a follower of his class as we'd often end up having discussions on what our next upgrades would be. At times I would say he knows more than me and can easily perform to a high standard.

Defo thumbs up from me :!:

2010 Feb 23 (Tue) 11:37 pm
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Post Re: Application - Scórn, Undead Rogue
More forsaken, yes please.

Well written application. Gems, enchants and gear seems to be in order too. I don't know anything about pve rogues so no detailed knowledge about spec or recommended glyphs, maybe someone else will throw comments about them.

Thumbs up from me. Take him so he stops ganking us.

2010 Feb 23 (Tue) 11:48 pm
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Post Re: Application - Scórn, Undead Rogue
Hi Jesper,

This seems to be a solid application, so thanks for that! I'll let any of our current rogues quiz you about theory if they think it's necessary, though you seem to know what's up in that department (I have no idea, so I won't pretend to). We have quite a few dps at the moment and not enough spots for everyone at every boss every raid, as we are still recruiting for that magical 25-man transition point. What are you looking for in terms of spots each week, and how availible are you for raids? How do you feel about being asked to rotate in and out with other DPS as the situation calls for it, and potentially getting benched some of the time?

Could you also chat a bit about the next few upgrades you're looking to get?

2010 Feb 24 (Wed) 1:13 am
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Post Re: Application - Scórn, Undead Rogue
Having just lost two rogues, one who kindly agreed to become a resto druid and one who... I don't know what happened to him... there's definitely a spot for one long-term, so don't worry about that.

2010 Feb 24 (Wed) 1:44 am
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Post Re: Application - Scórn, Undead Rogue
I like the application. You seem like a mature player with great knowledge about the game. I don't know that much about rogues either, so i'll leave that to those who can.


2010 Feb 24 (Wed) 7:57 am

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Post Re: Application - Scórn, Undead Rogue
Zalmoxis wrote:
Hi Jesper,

Rawr! (aka "Hi" for those who don't know me so well... ;))

Zalmoxis wrote:
We have quite a few dps at the moment and not enough spots for everyone at every boss every raid, as we are still recruiting for that magical 25-man transition point. What are you looking for in terms of spots each week, and how availible are you for raids? How do you feel about being asked to rotate in and out with other DPS as the situation calls for it, and potentially getting benched some of the time?

I'm aware of that situation and I'm not really troubled by it. Obviously I might become a bit bummed out that don't get to raid with you, but having played the game for so long (and at one point having been class leader) I've learnt that whining about it does the opposite of good - for me, the officers, the guild.

Zalmoxis wrote:
This seems to be a solid application, so thanks for that! I'll let any of our current rogues quiz you about theory if they think it's necessary, though you seem to know what's up in that department (I have no idea, so I won't pretend to).

I'm just gonna go ahead and prepare for this quiz you're talking about by adding some information that should probably have been in the initial post.

Glyphs - Mutilate and Hunger for Blood is the two "must-have" glyphs for a mutilate rogue, leaving only one to mess about with. I've chosen Improved Tricks of the Trade in here because I feel it'll not only help me, but the entire raid, more than glyphing FoK. Due to my 2pc T10 bonus I use ToTT whenever it's off cooldown, meaning tank either get a pretty decent bonus of threat gain (allowing others to dps much harder) or I toss it on a rogue for ToTT rotation, giving a 15% dmg increase for 10sec.

Gems/Enchants - At the point of retrieving my current cloak 22agi was better than 23haste (spreadsheet, tested, agreed). With new upgrades haste is starting to outperform though. It's also getting to the point where 20ap/10haste + 20haste will start outperforming 40ap + 20ap/10haste pretty soon.

Upgrades - My next, most obvious, upgrade would be my trinket. It agonizes me every time I see it. I've got Mark of Supremacy in my bank, but having tested it a while back it was actually outperformed by my current trinket. Maybe I'll test it again though...

Either way my next trinket upgrade would be the trinket from Lady Deathwhisper in 10man, which is also more or less BiS for a mutilate rogue (not counting heroic versions). I've seen it drop a couple of times, but my... outstanding luck... has been kicking in every time.

Other than that I'm fairly happy with my gear atm. There's nothing I go "must... get... new... upgrade.." about.

I've also edited the initial post slightly. It won't really change the application in any way from your perspective - in fact, you might not even notice it. The reason being that I did most of the application quite a while ago, and some things are slightly inaccurate about why I'm leaving Mutiny.

Until next time, take care.

2010 Feb 24 (Wed) 11:20 am

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Post Re: Application - Scórn, Undead Rogue
Aww... Seems like I can't edit the post... Oh well *goes into a corner and cries*

2010 Feb 24 (Wed) 11:21 am
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Post Re: Accepted — Application - Scórn, Undead Rogue
Accepted for trial. Whisper me, Thórva, Ekhan, Nimoe, Kainé, or Marrorchill for a ginvite.

2010 Feb 25 (Thu) 4:12 pm
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