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Application Lumén — Accepted 
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Joined: 2009 May 28 (Thu) 7:31 pm
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Post Application Lumén — Accepted
Blood Elf Priest
Herbalist / Alchemist / Cook

[1. OOC Information]

Who are you and where are you from?
My name is Sina, I am from Spain.

How old are you? Please give your answer in Reverse Polish Notation.

How long have you been playing WoW?
Since two months after release. Havent calculated how many months that makes.

Is this your main? How often do you play this character?
This is my main character, however i will be raiding with my "alt" character too, until i reach some degree that i havent decided what. However that would not prevent me from joining raids with you after 14 th June.

Were you in any other guilds? Are you in any other guilds?
In my WoW history, i have been in countless guilds, however, here are some important ones;
Daggers of Darkness - An only-rogue guild from Scarshield Legion which i have been guildmaster of, i think we were the ones who introduced the idea "Stealth Raid" hence we started accepting druids later on.
Order of the Silver Lion - A strict RP guild which i was proud of being an officer in. Not much pve experiances i had in that guild but some major world pvp / rp events.
The Exiles - The pve guild that i joined later on, to sate my hunger for pve which i was starving for, because of other guilds i have been in. Did almost all Classic raids with it. This guild still exists, however, i am no longer playing with that character of mine who is in the guild. I want to leave it with its former glory.
Hyjal - Another pve guild that i was a member of, to brave the deadly strongholds of Outlands. Almost all of my TBC experiance was in this guild.
Sidereals - This guild too, still exists and my warlock is a member of it. However i do not play with her much now, and i dont think anything else than raids left to do with her.

[2. The Luminous Path and You]

What do you want out of a guild?
Some of the things in this game are designed to do as a team. And those are the things that please me more than others when the team i am a member of, is made of valuable, trustwrothy, nice people with sense of humour. However, it is an extremely rare ocasion for a bunch of random people to posess all these qualities. This is why i would join a guild.

Any specific goals or wishes?
They are generally based on RP/PVP events. Maybe things i have failed with my other guilds before. For example the world boss in Ashenvale, which we failed to slay when i was in Order of the Silver Lion. However, even that we were over 200 player together, the level cap was only 60 and not everyone including me, was at highest level.

Do you know anyone in the Luminous Path?
I have raided with Kallbrand in some PUG's. That is all i think.

What will you bring to the Path?
All sorts of ideas, and deep knowledge of Azerothian Lore.
[3. PvE Questionnaire]

What nights of the week are you free for raiding?
Changes, i cannot say anything spesific.

Tell us about your PvE experience.
Classic: I did all of classic 5 man instances numerous times. All raids except AQ and deep in BWL. I had a level 60 human paladin which rarely tanked, ocasionally DPS'ed (Yes, even when people were saying paladins couldn't dps :P) and generally healed.

[4. PvP Experience]

What is your main PvP role?
As priest, it is healing. I love healing with a priest. But it has been times that i was tanking two hunter and a rogue in Mage Tower, with my paladin. Not so hard to defend against melee with highest defense rating in the server of that time :P

Tell us about your PvP experience.
Some random world PVP events, many RPPVP events that was arranged in server forums. And tones of battlegrounds.

[5. IC Section]

"What is this?" She asked herself. How could sun, not rise in a morning over beloved Silvermoon, jewel of the high elves? She went outside, looked around. Strangely, more people than usual were out in the streets, talking, moving. She did not talk with anyone. That was not her way. She walked slowly, still observing the enviorment which she was not used to. She saw some rangers making haste towards the gates. Her legs quietly took her there. Some arcanists were arguing angrily.

-No, they alerady set the wards in every corner after the first bridge. And who says they can break through there while our rangers trap them one of every two fights?
-Windrunner is overconfident! Have you not heard the news? The army there alerady defeated Knights of the Silver Hand, and even with so much ease! I too, know that they cannot reach these walls but we should do our best to not to loose any of our rangers.
-Alright just head on, and we should scribe some scrolls for the rangers. Not anymore wards but some evocative ones.

What army they were talking about? It has been quite long time since she were in any human territory, but she saw how much pride did those knights had in there. No honor would be granted in vain, they must be really strong she thought. What is it to a merchant? Minds to the business, she had some runestones to deliver to her contacts in Lordearon. Had she known the real power of the knights she saw, walking in the streets with people clapping them, she would fear the army who defeated them even behind the wards and protection of Silvermoon rangers.

She went back to her shop. Focusing once again to her merchandise. Suddenly, her sister came in. She too, was aware of whats going on but she was in panic. Lumén soothed her sister, told her no army can ever breach through the defenses. However she was disturbed when she heard that they alerady forced Lady Sylvanas to retreat back the river. Even though she knew that the second gate was no simple obstacle, she felt ill when she heard that her sister is being called to the front. Ah if only she had listened to her and became a merchant instead of a ranger...

Everyone were running from the city. Sylvanas Windrunner rallied all remaining rangers to make one last stand before the main gate of Silvermoon. She did not know how did it come to this. There were no word from her sister. The undead army, now in everyone's mouths, were approaching with haste and eradicating everything in their path. Some said even the evergreen trees of Eversong turned to rot as that black rider with the runeblade passes through. Arthas, she heard the name in whispers. Wasn't it the son of King Terenas? Maybe he too, was affected by the plague that was disturbing her contacts with humans. She had no other choice than to join the rest of the unarmed cityfolk who alerady got into the last ship. After all these years, how could some mere human conquer these lands? She would fight, if she had known how to cast spells more than few enchantments and invocations.

So with all the shame and despair, she left the city in that ship. She could only hope that Lady Sylvanas would save the city. Even the events indicated otherwise. Days followed nights as she stayed with her kin in the ship which was now anchored close to shore and waiting for news to act. But nothing have they heard in those following weeks. Now all of them were sure that their beloved city fell. But none knew what happened next? Why did they invade Silvermoon? What did they do?

Months after the evacuation a messenger from the land found them. He said, Prince Kael'thas returned to the city, found it in ruins but restored some of it and trying to gather the remnants of the war and heal the land. The elves were contend. Now they known that their city did fall, and their friends died, houses destroyed. But the city was theirs again, maybe naught by ruins now, but they had it.

So they returned. They realized that what they thought the city became was just a fraction of what the city really became. This was no longer the city where light never fades, the streets, fountains, statues, towers and houses were all un ruins. Only the eastern section was less damaged than west. But there were obvious decadence along a line that divides the city to half. And there were still some undead there. The Prince's men told they could not heal that land. Nor they could lower the numbers of the undead there. One they slay, two arise from the rotten ground. But they were no threat as they dismembred once they left the scar. Prince Kael'thas ordered a list of all who was found dead. Lumén could not see her sister's name there. Warmth of hope rushed to her heart. However it shivered again when she learned that most others were transformed to undead.

Days past as Prince Kael'thas did all he could to heal the land. He did a speech to all the survivors and from that time on they became Blood Elves. Then he took all those volunteers with him to aid the forces of Alliance against this Scourge that caused all. Lumén joined him. Still not knowing what became of her sister, she journeyed with the Prince's army. Along the way, she learned the ways of the light and how she must preserve it from the priests among the volunteers. This planted seeds of hope to heal her sister and turn her back from what she might have became. Then she left the Blood Elves and started wandering in the plaguelands with hope of healing her sister once she found. Months passed, there were battle going on but she could not quite guess who was at whose side. Then she heard the name of Lady Sylvanas once more. But now as a Banshee Queen, not a ranger general. She heard that Sylvanas captured the city of Lordearon and made it a city of fallen elves and humans that still had their will. Lumén journeyed across the lands and reached Lordearon, which is now called the Undercity. She was surprised that she wasn't welcome to the city. Though it wasn't hard to guess why. She was what they miss so much to be, want so much to be once more. But she had no fear, and asked through the city to see if her sister was there. Nay. She was not.

Then she devoted herself to the ways of light and its discipline. She was thaught by priests in Silvermoon, but once the pact signed by the blood elves of Silvermoon, to join the Horde, she went to Undercity to continue her education. Later on, she was appointed to an order of dedicated souls which followed the sort of way she liked. As she learned that called it the Luminous Path. She now wonders if she is worthy of following the path along with others.

2009 May 28 (Thu) 9:32 pm
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Post Re: Application Lumén
I like this application well enough, and I really appreciate that you seem to have put a lot of effort into the RP section. But why this guild? When we asked that question in the app, you've answered why you want to join "a guild", but that's not the same thing. We're working on our own PvE progression at the moment, and there aren't really enough people at or around level 10 to provide you with levelling support.

Instead, you raid with another guild. So what do you hope to get from the Luminous Path specifically?

2009 May 28 (Thu) 10:43 pm

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Post Re: Application Lumén
To be honest, i was browsing /who list for guilds to ask about and join if i find good enough. I think, names generally tell much about a guild. When i saw Luminous Path, well, i guessed it was a RP guild, but since this is not a only RP realm, it was surely either RP/PVP or RP/PVE. When you pointed me these forums to see if i really would like to join. I saw that the guild was actually all, pve rp and pvp. Not that RP activity can be seen without being a member, but encouraging that kind of thing is even a good move alone. And also about pvp, i guess you dont tell your members "dont go bg's farm some money and get better enchantments we are pve not pvp" like my other guild does. So thinnking of level 80, it has all i want. And i was actually impressed by the rules being strict (generally, most guild members invite me in-game when i ask if that forum application thing is really necessary) and precise.

Finally, my main point was to be able to talk with people while questing. Its way boring to only quest, whenyou have plenty of time to chat while your character hits with her staff that has 3.70 speed. And as i've said. I would join RP events if there happen to be any. That would be even better.

Note: And because Lumén means light in latin, the guild name would suit really good :)

2009 May 28 (Thu) 11:08 pm
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Post Re: Application Lumén

2009 May 28 (Thu) 11:29 pm
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Post Re: Application Lumén
That answer is certainly good enough for me. Let's see what Kekrops and Zalmoxis have to say.

2009 May 29 (Fri) 12:14 am
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Post Re: Application Lumén

2009 May 29 (Fri) 2:18 am
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Post Re: Application Lumén
Well there you have it. /w me in-game for a ginvite.

2009 May 29 (Fri) 9:32 am
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